At the beginning of this year, if someone were to tell me that my whole lifestyle would be consumed by Disney, I would have laughed. I always loved Disney growing up, but it surely wasn’t a lifestyle. I didn’t own a lot of merch, didn’t wear a lot of Disney clothes, and went to the parks maybe once a year. It’s amazing how all that changed and my life just became Disney after getting my Annual Pass.

Growing up in So Cal, living close enough to Disneyland has been a luxury. For as long as I can remember, I’d go yearly with friends. We’d open the parks and shut it down. As the years have gone by, ticket prices increased so going would require some planning.
It was Christmas Eve of 2018 when my sister and I had planned to go – which as you may know, tickets during this time are not cheap. That year was rude awakening as we realized, we are older now, and get tired easier. After spending that much money on tickets though, you are determined to stick it out!

After our 2018 trip, I decided we needed redemption. So I purchased tickets for us to go Christmas Eve of 2019. What is more festive than Disney during the holidays? Look at all they have to offer! We paid around $210 per ticket and at this time, the FLEX passport had come out earlier that year. I decided and convinced Tiff to put the money down on a FLEX passport and it would be worth our while!

After some convincing, the day of, we did it! I thought, well to make my money’s worth, I only need to go five times a year. I thought, I may go once a month. HA! Jokes on me! I got the pass and also adopted an immediate obsession! I was going every weekend!
My life has been consumed with Disney! I can’t stop thinking of Disney! It’s like this obsession that feels like an itch on my back and the only relief I find is in blogging about it! So alas, here we are! Blogging, posting, taking pics, talking about it, wearing it, eating eat…what else now?
Of course the only bummer this year is that right when we got our passes, COVID-19 hit and the parks closed down. Thank God for Downtown Disney opening up though!
Does anyone else feel this way or am I just a nut?