Overnight, the beloved Wonderground Gallery at Downtown Disney transformed into the Star Wars Trading Post. All our favorite items from the Batuu Marketplace/Black Spire Outpost have made their way over to Downtown Disney. I am not sure if this is a temporary thing or permanent. I hope it is not permanent because I think that Wonderground Gallery is such an amazing place for artists to do meet-and-greets and showcase their items. I did a quick live video on IGTV if you want to check that out, you can here.
Lots of Plushies
They whole store is stocked with all the plushies from the Marketplace!

They are fully stocked with the cute Baby Yoda sock plush too! These were $22.99…worth the price? It’s really soft.

If you are there to look at the lightsabers, upon entry, you will take a number from the ticket dispenser. Once it is your turn you will be called.
Sorry, I didn’t take a pic of this, but you can catch it on my live. The glare from the display box made for a bad picture.
Artwork & Droids
They had some Star Wars artwork displayed in the store along with some of the droids and dolls.
If you collect patches, they had a whole wall to choose from!
Other Displays
What do you guys think of the new store?