What chemicals are responsible for feelings of happiness? The four magical chemical messengers in your brain that bring on happy sensations are dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins, easily remembered as an acronym – D.O.S.E. If you are visiting the theme parks, these babies are working overtime on sensory overload! Let’s see how these chemicals relate whilst you’re at the Happiest Place on Earth! Oh, and I gave each personal nicknames for a unique, fun touch!
(Dopey) Dopamine
We all know what dopamine is by now, right? It’s the chemical responsible for “feel-good” feelings. Dopamine is a fleeting chemical and is addictive in nature. It doesn’t stick around for long. Dopamine hits you strong and quick and leaves you wanting more. Dopamine is meant to motivate you to continue on for the long haul. It’s that exciting feeling when you plan your Disney visit and buy those tickets. It’s the happiness and thrill you feel when you are riding a ride. To best make dopamine work for you, make it as the motivator that propels you to do things and continue forth to future goals.

(Sprightly) Serotonin
Serotonin is a hormone that is known to regulate your moods. It goes together with social status and relationships. It’s also tied to your appetite, digestion, and sleep. Serotonin seems to be that quiet happy feeling that sits on the sidelines, you need it and it’s important. Studies have proposed that a lack of serotonin is tied together with depression.

(Omnipotent) Oxytocin
Oxytocin is the bonding hormone. It’s associated with physical affection and relationships with others. This is the chemical released when you are meeting your favorite character and you receive a big hug! Or going to the parks with your loved ones, riding rides together, holding hands. Any cozy, cuddly bouts of affection that are involved.

(Ebullient) Endorphins
Endorphins are your body’s natural pain reliever. They are known to help reduce pain and help hype up your feelings of pleasure and well-being. I think of this as when you start having your Disney burnout. When your feet are tired or you’re exhausted from standing in line for hours, what do you do? You push through! You keep going and you are still left with a happy memory! Ebullient endorphins are the ones you can thank for working there!

Let’s Tie it All Together Now with a Story
A couple of weeks ago when I walked into World of Disney, I set my eyes on a beautiful, big, black-eyed little alien. Telepathically, he was calling out for me to take him home. I picked him up off the shelf and decided to make him mine. When I swiped my card to complete the transaction, I came to the realization that this alien species is now my “Lil Bubster.” I was hit with a dose of dopamine. I was happy as can be!

Over the course of the next few days, we started to build our relationship with each other. He helped me weigh out my food and I in return fed him delicious desserts. Lil Bubster really likes playtime and enjoys being out and about. I would take him on car rides and we would spend the day together hanging out at Downtown Disney. He loves to take pictures there to remind him of our happy memories. Our serotonin levels have been leveled out on the daily!

At night, Lil Bubster loves cuddle time, he even has his very own Wolf he likes to nest on. Our oxytocin must be flowing here in this house since our hearts are filled with warmth and love!

Even though Lil Bubster is a little heavy to carry around all day, we don’t mind. My endorphins get going and I find the most comforting way to carry him. It’s a small price to pay for all the joy he gives me. The pay off is quite HUGE!